Mined Soil
The film-essay Mined Soil revisits the work of the Guinean agronomist Amílcar Cabral, studying in the 50's the erosion of soil in the Portuguese Alentejo region through to his engagement as one of the leaders of the African Liberation Movement. This line of thoughts intertwines a documentation on an experimental gold mining site, operated today by a Canadian company and located in the same Portuguese area once studied by Cabral. The reading of the essay explores the space, surfaces and textures of the images, proposing past and present definitions of soil as a repository of memory, trace, exploitation, crisis, arsenal, treasure and palimpsest.

06/2017 - Art Basel Short Film Program, Suisse
03/2016 - Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Berlin, Germany
01/2016 - Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin, Paris, France
10/2015 - Kasseler Dokfest, Kassel, Germany
07/2015 - Festival Curtas Vila do Conde, Portugal - Great Prize
01/2015 - Rotterdam International Film Festival - World Premiere
Expositions/ Shows
2015 - Essay Film Festival, University of Birkbeck, London, UK
2015 - Futura “Unblinking”, Prague, Czech Republic - curator Anne Szefer Karlsen
2015 - Espace Khiasma “Les propriétés du sol”, Les Lilas, France - curator Olivier Marboeuf
2014 - Hordaland Art Centre - Bergen, Norway - curator Anne Szefer Karlsen
Projections/ Screenings
11/2016 - Séance Phantom, Paris, France
06/2016 - Hôtel Beauregard, Brussels, Belgium
2015 - Video Art at Midnight, Berlin, Germany - curators Olaf Stüber and Ivo Wessel
Born in Porto 1975. Lives and works in Berlin
Filipa César is an artist and filmmaker interested in the porous boundaries between the moving image and its reception, the fictional dimensions of the documentary and the economies, politics and poetics inherent to cinema praxis. Great part of César's experimental films have been focussed on the spectres of resistance in Portugal’s geo-political past, questioning mechanisms of history production and proposing spaces for performing subjective knowledge. Since 2011, César has been researching the origins of cinema in Guinea-Bissau, its imaginaries and potencies, developing that research into the collective project Luta ca caba inda (the struggle is not over yet). She was a participant of the research projects Living Archive (2011-13) and Visionary Archive (2013-15) both organised by the Arsenal - Institute for Film and Video Art, Berlin.
Selected Film Festivals include :
Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen, 2013; Curtas Vila do Conde, 2012-2015; Forum Expanded - Berlinale, 2013 and 2016; IFFR, Rotterdam, 2010, 2013 and 2015; Indie Lisboa, 2010; DocLisboa,2011.
Selected exhibitions and screenings include :
8th Istanbul Biennial, 2003; Serralves Museum, Porto, 2005; Tate Modern, London, 2007; SFMOMA, 2009; 29th São Paulo Biennial, 2010; Manifesta 8, Cartagena, 2010,Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, 2011-2015; Jeu de Paume, Paris, 2012; Kunstwerke, Berlin, 2013; Festival Meeting Points 7, 2013-14; NBK, Berlin, 2014; Hordaland Art Center, Bergen, 2014; SAAVY Contemporary, Berlin 2014-15, Futura, Prague 2015; Khiasma, Paris 2011, 2013 and 2015; Tensta konsthall, 2015.
F for Fake (2005)
Rapport (2007)
Le Passeur (2008)
The Four Chambered Heart (2009)
Memograma (2010)
Sol Miné (2014)
Transmission from the Liberated Zones(2016)
Spell Reel (2017)
Sunstone (2018)